What was your highlight from the past week? What was your low point from the last week?
Read the sermon text for this week.
What was your first job? What was your first job experience like?
How did this sermon/text deepen your faith? How did it challenge you? Explain.
What resonated with you the most from this sermon/text? Explain.
In what ways have you allowed work to become too prominent of a focus in your life? How have you seen this have negative side effects? How do you balance work and rest in your own life?
As an employee, how would working with a focus on eternal rewards change the way you work? How would you describe your attitude towards your work and towards your boss? Does your current disposition look like Jesus?
As an employer/leader/boss, what are you doing to love your employees as yourself or as Christ loves them? how are you striving to make working for you the best professional experience those on your team ever have?
In what ways have you treated others differently based on their job title?
What encouragement or accountability would you like from your life group to help you honor God to a greater extent at work?
How does this passage or sermon challenge you to live differently this week?
What do you sense God doing in you that you need to respond to?
What do you sense God doing around you that you think he is inviting you into?
What do you sense God doing through you that you need courage for?
Accountability: At this time, the group may want to split into smaller, gendered groups.
Who are you in God’s eyes? Who are you in the eyes of this group?
What has your time in God’s Word and prayer been like this week?
What have you learned from Jesus this week?
Have you consistently reflected the love of Christ to those in your life this week?
Where have you wrestled with temptation this week?
What strongholds have you wrestled with this week?
Have you been 100% honest?
Prayer: Spend time as a group in prayer for anything that may have surfaced from the discussion/accountability time that you personally feel like needs to be brought before the Lord.