What’s your favorite book you read in the last year? What’s different about reading the Bible than any other book?
How did this sermon challenge you? How did this message deepen your faith?
Read Nehemiah 8:13-18 and Nehemiah 10:30-32.
What stands out to you from these verses? How might these verses be issuing a challenge to you personally? What applications do you draw from these passages?
Dan said at the beginning of this message that, “Reading God’s Word should change God’s people.” How have you seen this to be a reality in your own life?
James 1:22 says “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Dan talked about not “auditing the Scriptures” but deeply engaging with them and metabolizing them into a life of worship. How does this resonate with you?
In Nehemiah 8:13, the heads of all the families joined together to give attention to words of the Law. Dan encouraged the heads of the families at the Creek to be diligent and intentional about spiritual leadership in the home. How does this speak to you?
When God’s people read his Word, it changed their worship, calendars, relationships, and finances. Do you sense God leading you to make a change in your life in one of these areas? If so, which area? And what would the change look like?
How might God’s Word be calling you to make a change in a different area? If so, which one?
What would it practically look like for your family to give more attention to God’s Word?
Take time as a group and thank God for the change in finances we have seen at our church and to celebrate that we have seen over $500,000 of debt paid off in just a couple of months!
God wants His people to view the world through eyes of faith and to have a holy ambition to see that vision become reality. This 9-week sermon series on the book of Nehemiah will help us to discover the eternally-significant things God wants to accomplish through our lives, and help us become the sort of people who have the courage and conviction to make a difference for the glory of God.
Check out your Spiritual Gifts! Every person has been gifted by God with talents and abilities that are useful to Kingdom work. Do you know what yours are? Check out THIS Spiritual Gifts Assessment to find out.
Find out where you can Serve! There are needs all around us. The Creek partners with several organizations that you and your group can partner with. You can find more information about them by visiting