Who is the best leader you have personally known and interacted with? What made them such a great leader?
How did this sermon deepen your faith? How did this sermon challenge you? What was your main takeaway from this message?
Where does Nehemiah fall in the overall story of the Bible?
Read Nehemiah 1. What from this chapter resonates with you most? Why?
Have you had a time when you saw a need, felt the move of the Holy Spirit, and knew for certain God was calling you to respond? If so, share.
When talking about brokenness, Dan shared about the difference between being distraught that our world isn’t the way we want it to be and being distraught because God’s world isn’t the way he wants it to be. Are your greatest burdens these days centered around your concerns or God’s concerns? Explain.
Nehemiah responded to his awareness of the needs by praying. Is this your instinctive response when you see the needs around you? Why or why not?
Nehemiah wanted to be used by God to make a difference in the world. He was willing to leverage his resources, his relationships, and his professional connections to further the work of God in the world. Do you sense the same level of willingness? Explain.
How does Jesus and the Church fit into God’s plan into making the world right again? How do you think you personally fit into this plan?
What is one need that you can personally begin praying for and one need that your group can begin praying for? How might you and your group begin to meet those needs?
This week, ask God to open your eyes and ears to see and hear the needs of those around you. Pray for the ability to see a need and the strength to meet the need.
What we choose to leave behind says a lot about us. We all want our families, friends, and businesses to be secure and stable when we’re gone, so we set up wills, trust funds put all sorts of plans and strategies into place. But how often are we investing into the people, relationships, and decisions that have the potential to last for eternity? Here are some next steps to help you explore what it looks like to leave behind a worthwhile legacy:
To go deeper in your relationship with God and others, here are some next steps for you:
Sign up for Rooted! Rooted is a 10-week discipleship journey to help you connect with God, the church, and your purpose! Registration opens on January 20th. For more information, please visit
Check out your Spiritual Gifts! Every person has been gifted by God with talents and abilities that are useful to Kingdom work. Do you know what yours are? Check out THIS Spiritual Gifts Assessment to find out.
Find out where you can Serve! There are needs all around us. The Creek partners with several organizations that you and your group can partner with. You can find more information about them by visiting